Tribute to the Hambach forest: The daughters of the Dragonfly

Tribute to the Hambach forest

42204812_555462414895697_5226688407085776896_nWe live in a wrong world, we know. There is no need for someone to tell us to observe, the disaster engulfs us every day. For example, in the Hambach forest, comrades and companions are struggling “meaningless”, because they cannot win against the leviathans of destruction, of energy. But they struggle anyway. Are they crazy? Yes, they are. They cannot but go on struggling. Their madness is called freedom. Freedom for all. Their methodologies are ancient. They are called “hit and run” as the partisans did. They are partisans of today. So what do we want to do? To give solidarity to the partisans or the fascists of the economy, of sustainability, of lies? And Hambach is just one example, the liberation struggles of animals and the earth are hundreds in the world. All will have the same result, in the long run, the defeat, the fall. And what is defeat, the fall? If not a way to get up and continue running against the windmills of violence, repression, segregation. There are no recipes to improve this world, the great animal rights associations sign the agreements with the monsters that mince everything, to receive a cold dish of lentils and meanwhile, their small steps increase the chainsaws all over the world. Then? Will this stop the rioters on the planet? No, they have not stopped in the past and certainly will not stop today. The world is collapsing, we are aware of it, at least we do not smile at those who are responsible for the disaster. We collapse with the raised fist. It is the least we can do. It is a small gesture of brotherhood and sisterhood towards those who preceded us in the struggle.

Luigi Galleani said:

“The anarchist does not look for success, to victory, to competition, they do not concern them. Fight, because it’s right. And in any struggle, loss is part of life. He does not change his mind because he loses, let alone the fight afterwards. The System is self-feeding for the people that do not fight, not because it is invincible. The work of the anarchist is to instill in the people the revolt, not in segments but continously. Like a wave that withdraws and then returns. You ask me if we will win? You ask me the wrong question!. Ask me if we fight and I will answer: yes!.”

880x495_cmsv2_922caf87-a8b4-532a-9466-673239b5f324-3319576The earth is an open-air dump and the destruction di not start these days, its roots have been bere for over a century. It depends what a wants to do with one’s struggle or life, which in some cases is the same thing. Am I pessimistic? Yes sure. Lot of pessimistic, but I could not do without it, as well as breath, I could not help it. Louise Michel, when she was on the French barricades, asked her to come down and run away, to save herself from the cannon fire, and she replied:

“How can I stop breathing”.

It is important to know why Hambach’s resistors are on trees. Because they do not use other methods of struggle. In some ways they are all sons and daughters of the “Dragonfly”.

judi_bariIn how many ways are the boys of this sick society called, a society that actively brutally pushes every living being, forcing it to live in a custom-built cell of the body? In how many ways are the girls of this world called to force every grain of rebellion to suffering and servitude? In how many ways are the boys who are strangers to the war among the giants of devastation called as fast as lightning in impenetrable forests? How many ways are girls born in a dark era like moonless night, labeled as useless dreamers without ideas? A system that always calls you the same way: terrorists, fake ecologists, devastators, criminals, immature, lazy, dangerous subversives, stupid. Just think for a moment, free from dogmatic constraints, free from the influence of information means bent to power, free from family education that binds instead of shearing, free as the wind, to understand that terrorists are those who terrorize with bombs in clusters, with guns, with panzers, that the fake ecologists are those who inventing the copyright of the green and compatible-sustainable multiply in complicity the destructive machine, to understand that the devastators are those who incinerate the forests, pierce the mountains , burn the other animals, to understand that the criminals are those who sit smiling on the thrones built by the perpetrators, to understand that the immature are those who still believe they believe it is right to live in a world of inequality, democratic and competitive, to understand that the loafers are those who breathe hatred and ignorance on crystal pedestals littered with lies, to understand that the dangerous the subversives are those who with violence and force subvert the delicate balance of the earth, to understand that the “stupid” they are those who still believe in the truths of television.

In Canada, two 20-year-old girls climbed a 40-meter tree to once again greet a small woman, a marvelous fighter who died in 1997, Judi Bari, the first woman to climb in 1979 on a redwood, 50 meters, with a single hemp rope. After her there were hundreds of girls to climb dizzying trees to save the forests, one of them Julia Hill, the legendary “butterfly”, which remained 2 years on a 60-meter redwood to prevent its slaughter since December 97, little after the death of Judi Bari, until December 99. Little Judi has never been forgotten. Judi “the dragonfly” (as her was dubbed by the Earth Liberation Front) despite the constant intimidation, threats to his person and the attack suffered in 1990 when he jumped in the air along with his friend and activist Darryl Cherney (they put a bomb under the seat of the car on a warm May morning to stop them in their radical activism, save for a hair they were seriously injured) has never stopped climbing until 1997 when a terrible disease prevented it from hovering again. 40 years of ropes, of carabiners, of determination to climb trees to save them. As they are doing today, the brothers and sisters of Hambach. The dragonfly hovers again.

In how many ways are the girls who fight for the defense of the earth, of the other animals and of the humans, in many ways, there is not one corresponding to the truth. I do not call you, I greet you, and supportive and complicit towards every fight for freedom, I simply say:

Thank you sisters, thank you brothers

foresta-HambachAnd I also thank those who are activating for Hambach through independent information channels around the world. In Italy there is “Earth Riot”, an independent channel that every day gives precise and truthful information, light years away from the information piloted by the great television and journalistic broadcasters, they do their utmost to raise awareness and understand what the Hambach struggle means. Now one of the last surviving outposts in Europe.

And finally I thank the dragonfly, who in that distant 1979, on a cold November morning, alone, changed forever the ecological struggle. Nobody has forgotten you, nobody, rising to 30 meters, can say not to love you.

“You can not seriously take care of the destruction of the wild land without turning, with determination and struggle, to the society that destroys it” Judi Bari

Fly Dragonfly, fly again …



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